Monday, April 20, 2015

Th9 War help where to attack this base?

My army:
3 golem 4
2 pekka 3
8 wb 
1+2 cc switch
12 wizard and some archers

I'm thinking to attack from South, beacuse there are only 1 wizard tower. 

This is a question from a coc player posted at

I had a some question when I was Th9 . At that time I applied an useful
 coc army combination strategy to win the war . You can blowse to get my more strategy if you are interested.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Clash of Clans Town Hall 5 : Farming Strategy and Guide (part 2)

TH5: Upgrade Order

The most important aspect of farming efficiently as a Town Hall 5 player actually does not have much to do with

attack strategy. Massing Barbarians is an easy strategy to use. Instead, I wanted to take some time to discuss

how you should focus on upgrading your buildings in order to maximize your farming ability with this build.

As soon as Town Hall 5 finishes, you want to use your two builders to increase your Barbarians’ numbers and

strength. Use 1 builder to start building your new Army Camp and the other builder to start upgrading the

Research Lab. While this latter upgrade takes awhile, it is worth getting right away.

If you have three builders, use the third builder to start upgrading old Army Camps. If you only have two

builders, as soon as the Army Camp you built finishes, upgrade it and keep doing so until it is at max level.

Since all of these buildings and upgrades cost elixir so far, be sure to dump spare gold into extra walls or

upgrading preexisting walls in between Army Camp upgrades.

Once your Laboratory upgrade finishes, make it your top priority to start researching 3-Star Barbarians.

Use both builders to max out all 3 Army Camps at this point. Continue spare gold into walls.

Once you have maxed out your Army Camps and finished researching level 3 Barbarians, your farming ability

will be very high. At this point, you can raid quickly with a strong yet very cheap and fast to train 135 Barbarian

army that is very hard to stop at this level.

Upgrade whatever you like at your own pace from here. I prefer to upgrade the Barracks at night or once TH6

has started, as upgrading the Barracks will naturally slow down your ability to produce new Barbarians for

raiding. Try to max out your base entirely before starting the TH6 upgrade.

TH5 Farming Goals

At Town Hall 5, your goal for each raid should be 100,000 combined resources (i.e. 70k gold + 30k elixir

equals 100k combined resources, as does 30k gold and 70k elixir). The 100k recommended total of course

assumes that you need both Elixir and Gold. If you are storage capped or simply finished up with either elixir

or gold, you should try and get at least 70k of the resource type you still need (i.e. if you are just upgrading

your walls before upgrading, shoot for 70k+ gold per raid).

With 135 Barbarians for a maxed Town Hall 5 army, 3 Barracks to produce them, and 20 seconds to train a

Barbarian, you can make a fully-maxed army every 15 minutes. By netting 100k combined resources every

15 minutes, you can average out to a minimum of 400k combined resources an hour. Really, your average

raid will probably be closer to 150k combined or 100k of an individual resource type as the 100k

combined / 70k individual is the minimum requirements to attack and sometimes you will find better bases to attack.

By targeting gold only, you are looking at making 280k to 400k gold per hour. Given that it takes about 3.4

million gold to max out your walls at this level (assuming you finished Town Hall 4 with maxed walls), you

are looking at about 10 hours of farming to max out your walls (if you were to raid immediately after your

Barbarians finished.

With the help of this strategy, you can actually cap your Walls at Town Hall 5 in a single day if you attack

each time your Barbarians finish and keep them training constantly, all without spending any gems. It can

be done even faster if you skip around for 125k+ gold bases. However, if you are like most of the population

and cannot play on your phone for a few minutes out of every 15 minutes for 10 hours straight, it will still

take you a few days to cap out your walls.

Clash of Clans Town Hall 5 : Farming Strategy and Guide (part 1)

Town Hall 5 perhaps represents the simplest farming in Clash of Clans. At Town Hall 5, many things are working in your favor that make farming pretty easy:

a.TH5 unlocks a third Army Camp along with a new level upgrade (new max army size: 135 units).
b.Barbarians get a level 3 upgrade at this level.
c.Town Hall 4 and 5 players do not have a simple way to stop 135 Barbarians.

While you can probably guess the strategy we are about to adopt based on this introduction, below I will share not only the best farming composition and attacking strategy for Town Hall 5, but also the proper order for upgrading your buildings and research for maximizing your farming speed. I will also be covering target amounts of resources you should be striving for in order to confirm efficient farming.
Town Hall 5 Farming Strategy Video Guide
Here is a video guide detailing the accurate farming strategies described in this Clash of Clans TH5 farming guide. This will give you a great idea of how to select bases for attacking and how to raid those bases efficiently:

TH5 Farming Strategy
As you can see from the video above, my recommended plan is to make nothing but Barbarians and go on the offensive. There is no need for additional units or even spells at this level – you will maximize your farming speed by cranking out Barbarians from your Barracks.

A trophy count in the range of 500 to 1000 seems to work fine at TH5 – you really do not have to pay much attention to trophy count for farming at this level. If you somehow get up over 1,000 trophies, you may want to drop down, but overall it is not a major concern.

Your goal is to find one of two base types: high level bases with full collectors (look for dark purple in the elixir collectors) or TH4-TH5 bases with full storage buildings where the where the Wizard Tower is either easy to destroy or not near the storage buildings.

If you happen to stumble upon an enemy base with full storage collectors and a lot of loot to grab, the strategy is simple: spread your Barbarians around, dropping 5-10 per elixir collector or mine and dropping more Barbarians as your initial Barbarians are destroyed. You need to spread your Barbarians out so you do not get killed by bombs or mortar shots and so you can destroy all enemy collectors and mines. Do not worry about trophy count on these bases.

If you run into an enemy TH4 or TH5 with enough loot to steal to be worthwhile (see the “farming goals” section below), drop your Barbarians in a fairly spread out fashion initially to take out outside buildings. About 50 is fine for this purpose. Take your remaining Barbarians and pile up close to the Mortar or Wizard Tower to try and break down a wall (if it is protected) and take it out. As soon as those two towers are down, the rest of the match is easy.

---  next to part 2

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Clash of Clans Town Hall 5 Upgrade Order Guide

Town Hall 5 is a big upgrade for players of Clash of Clans, as lots of new structures and upgrades are recommended at this Town Hall level. In this guide to upgrade order and priority, we’ll discuss which upgrades to get first at Town Hall 5. Some players will have two builders and some players will have three builders going into Town Hall 5. If you only have two builders, be sure to unlock the 450 gem achievement for reaching 1250 trophies as a top priority. Getting this third builder is a necessity if you value fast and efficient base leveling. Pushing up in trophies can be done easily simply by attacking and skipping bases until you find one with a Town Hall off in the corner. You can kill (snipe) these Town Halls over and over again until you reach 1250 trophies. You can then drop down to a more appropriate trophy count for TH5 (700-1,000 trophies). For the purposes of this guide, I will assume you have two builders to start with and that you will unlock your third builder at some point during Town Hall 5. If you already have three builders, have your third builder start on the items in the Task List lower in this article while your first two builders can start on your highest priority structures. TH5 Highest Priority Upgrades and Structures At Town Hall 5, these structures take higher priority over any others. Upon completing these upgrades, work on the secondary task list lower in this guide in order. Builder 1. Laboratory –> Spell Factory Your first builder should start upgrading the Laboratory as soon as Town Hall 5 completes. The Laboratory’s upgrades are the biggest increase in strength you get at this level. Start with Barbarian level 3 research and follow up with Archer level 3. These unit upgrades will make a huge difference in your farming ability. As soon as this builder finishes the Laboratory, you can start building the Spell Factory. While a single Lightning Spell is not terribly useful at this level, it can still be used to take out Clan Castle units should the situation deem it necessary. Builder 2. New Walls –> New Army Camp –> Army Camp Upgrades The second builder should dump all excess gold into walls and then focus on Army Camps. First, start the new Army Camp and do not stop upgrading it with this builder until it is maxed out. Keep this builder on Army Camp duty, upgrading the two previously existing Army Camps to their new max level. This will bring the supply count of your army to 135, massively improving your strength compared to Town Hall 4 players. Second Priority Tasks at TH5

After the two builders (if you have a third builder, start here with it) have finished up their work, start working through these tasks in order.

Task #1. New Towers & Base Layout

At Town Hall 5, you get a new Cannon, Archer Tower, and Wizard Tower. Build each one, in that order. Once you start constructing the Wizard Tower, rearrange your base to an appropriate Town Hall 5 base layout.

Task #2. Upgrade Barracks

Take one builder and start upgrading your Barracks to their maximum level. Just use one builder for this purpose, as if you upgrade too many Barracks at once, it will be difficult to produce units to farm.

Task #3. Upgrade Defensive Towers, Starting With New Towers

As your Barracks are being upgraded, take your remaining builder(s) and upgrade defensive towers. Start with the new towers, as the quick upgrades to the Cannon and Archer Tower will result in the largest increases in strength. You will want to fully upgrade all defensive towers before upgrading to Town Hall 6.

Task #4. Upgrade Remaining Structures

Upgrade any remaining structures, walls, and research if you have not done so already. This includes resource storage buildings. Start Town Hall 6. While Town Hall 6 is being upgraded, if your builders become free, you can upgrade Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. You do not have to max out Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors before moving on to Town Hall 6.

Quick Note About Walls

Walls ought to be upgraded throughout the whole Town Hall 5 leveling process. Towers and structures cost far less than the gold or elixir cap; you can farm until your resources are capped when your builders are busy, then as one builder becomes available, you can spend all excess resources on walls (saving just enough to start the next upgrade without delay). You can max walls before your structures if you finish this regularly.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Clash of Clans and Boom Beach - Upgrades Tracker

Have you ever gone to make a list of the things you have decided to upgrade before upgrading your Town Hall in Clash of Clans?   It is not an easy task…in fact it can be a painful tedious task!  The Clash of Clans Upgrades Tracker tracks your current upgrade levels of all the resources,buildings, troops and spells in your Clash of Clans Base!
Clash of Clans and Boom Beach - Upgrades Tracker 1
The way to efficiently use the Clash of Clans / Boom Beach Upgrades Tracker:
1.Register on the Clash of Clans Tracker or the Boom Beach Tracker to create an account on our site.   Note that you register once for both Trackers if you are Clashing and Booming.
2.Log in to the Clash of Clans Tracker or the Boom Beach Tracker.
3.Select your town hall or headquarters level at the top and click the Update button.
4.Select the current levels of all the buildings and troops available at your town hall or headquarters level and click the Update button at the bottom.
The page will provide the remaining upgrades available to you including their cost and time required. is a mobile game platform applied for providing coc players with clash of clans strategy guides for free . If you want more about coc game ,please read other articles in the list .